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Solarmast Außeneinsatz

Mobile light towers

Our solar powered mobile light tower combines high performance and environmental friendliness in a compact design. Thanks to its powerful solar panels, it delivers brilliant LED light without an external power supply. From construction sites to events, this light tower offers a flexible and energy efficient lighting solution that can be set up quickly.

Product description

The mobile solar mast with asymmetrical lighting is an innovative solution to ensure reliable lighting not only in remote areas or during power outages, but also particularly suitable for festivals and construction work. This mobile light tower harnesses the power of the sun to generate environmentally friendly energy while providing bright and efficient asymmetrical lighting.


  • Solar energy powered:
    The solar mast has high-quality solar panels that convert sunlight into electrical energy during the day and store it in a powerful battery. This means that the mast can illuminate reliably even in areas with low light or during the night, without having to rely on external power sources.

  • Mobility:
    The solar mast is easily transportable and easy to transport. It can be easily moved to different locations to provide temporary lighting for construction sites, events, emergencies or other situations where a quick and flexible lighting solution is needed.

  • Asymmetrical lighting with high brightness:
    With its 4 integrated asymmetrical spotlights, the solar mast generates high brightness in the areas that need to be illuminated in order to effectively illuminate certain areas. The lighting provides uniform illumination and ensures optimal visibility and safety in dark areas. In addition, the asymmetrical lighting does not disturb the surroundings, so traffic and nature are protected.

  • Sustainability and environmental friendliness:
    By using solar energy, the solar mast reduces dependence on fossil fuels and minimizes CO2 emissions. It is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional light towers that rely on electricity grids or diesel generators.

  • Easy handling:
    The solar mast is user-friendly and does not require complicated installation. It can be set up and ready for use in just a few simple steps. It also offers various setting options to adapt the light intensity to the respective requirements.

The mobile solar mast is the ideal solution for temporary lighting needs in various situations. Whether it's illuminating a construction site, making an event safer, or supporting emergency response, this mobile light tower provides reliable lighting in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.




Purchase our mobile light towers with our purchase option and secure a sustainable lighting solution that meets your needs. Make a long-term investment in quality, performance and environmental friendliness.



Rent our mobile light poles flexibly for temporary projects and events without entering into long-term commitments. Get high-quality lighting solutions exactly when you need them.


Financial lease

Take advantage of our flexible leasing option for mobile light towers and benefit from immediate lighting solutions without major investments. Get the lighting you need with financial flexibility and minimal risk.

Solarmast Außenbereich

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